About Us

Amirah was founded in 2011 in response to the increased number of sex trafficking reports in Massachusetts and the low availability of services or resources for adults who are trafficked in the state. Originally conceived as an outreach services organization, Amirah began providing housing and residential recovery through group homes in 2014 and has since grown and transformed into a multi-pronged service organization today, providing mid-term housing through its Rapid Re-Housing program, economic mobility and stability planning, long-term housing navigation, comprehensive case management, peer care navigation, and community support. Amirah works in collaboration with state offices and peer service providers state-wide to coordinate comprehensive services for people trading sex, most of whom have experienced sex trafficking. Amirah’s Executive Director sits on the Governor’s Commission on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Human Trafficking’s Subcommittee on Human Trafficking. Amirah is also a member of the EMMA Coalition, a state-wide group of lived-experience-led agencies advocating for better policies and practices to support people who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and prostitution.
Founded in the belief that no one was created to be bought and sold.
Lived Experience Led
Evidence-Based Researched Driven
Our Team
Board of Directors
Greg Smith, Chair
Associate Professor of Business & Marketing, Gordon College
Greg Hood, Vice Chair
Physician Assistant, Lynn Community Health Center
Markes Wilson, Secretary
Consultant, Berrydunn LLP
Sam Aureli, Treasurer
Associate Director of Real Estate, MIT
Jacqueline Dyer, PhD, LICSW
Director and Associate Professor of Practice, Doctor of Social Work Program at Simmons University
Stephanie Hadden, CPA
Professor in the Practice of Accounting, Gordon College
Wendy Hultmark, Leadership & Career Coach
Wendy Hultmark Executive Coaching
Brad Small
CEO/Founder, Solomon Private Wealth
Advisory Board
Jan Carlberg
Peter DiMarzio
Victim Assistance Coordinator, Homeland Security
Kalya Hamlett Murray
Executive Director, Bethel Institute for Social Justice
Rod Hoffman
Zoe Kessler, LCSW
Rachel Niemiec MSN, FNP-BC
Pediatric & Adolescent/Adult SANE, MA Dept. of Health
Dara Reppucci
Senior Corporate Counsel, Sanofi Genzyme
Hanni Stoklosa
ER Physician, Brigham & Women's Hospital
Jennifer Stuart, M.Div, LICSW